
2021年7月17日—HowtogetRedlockintoWindows8build7850onaMac?...IcannotinstallVMwareToolstosharefilesandfolders,andIcannotinstallit ...,RunanunlockprogramlikeRedlock,MetroUnlockerv4orRedPillEnabler.ThenewloginscreenandExplorerUIaswellastheStartMenuareautomatically ...,2023年10月17日—RedlockisatooldevelopedbyBetaWikimembersandsoftwaredeveloperslucasmandgus33000.Theinitialversionwasreleasedon29Janua...

How to get Redlock into Windows 8 build 7850 on a Mac?

2021年7月17日 — How to get Redlock into Windows 8 build 7850 on a Mac? ... I cannot install VMware Tools to share files and folders, and I cannot install it ...

Microsoft Windows 8, 6.2.8008.0

Run an unlock program like Redlock, Metro Unlocker v4 or Red Pill Enabler. The new login screen and Explorer UI as well as the Start Menu are automatically ...


2023年10月17日 — Redlock is a tool developed by BetaWiki members and software developers lucasm and gus33000. The initial version was released on 29 January ...

RedLock 9.0.1

dotnet add package RedLock --version 9.0.1. NuGet-Install-Package RedLock -Version 9.0.1. This command is intended to be used within the Package Manager ...

Redlock UT ISO

2021年4月16日 — Redlock (Redpill unlocking tools) put together in a small ISO file, for you to use in VMs.